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Adi Pratama Willa, Nicholas (2011) FENOMENA DI BALIK LUKISAN BAK TRUK. Masters thesis, Sekolah PasscaSarjana.


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The focus of this research is to examine the open back painting in Pantura road as a walking gallery. The painting is a paint art using media of left and back side of the truck. The open back painting is developed along the Pantura road. It is because this track is the major track of trade in Java and Sumatera islands. The presence of this picture is affected by the consumers’ taste. As an art creation, absolutely, the open back painting must be displayed to the communities. To display the painting, we have to use Pantura road. In this exhibition, everyone can take the benefit of it. Of course this gallery is different from the others generally. There are no curators, guests, collectors, even art critics. This gallery, which is taking the benefit of moving public areas, is called as moving gallery. The utilization of the public area is in line with the change of the society, which is from homogeny to heterogenic. An art is not only presented in an art, but also taken benefit in facilities and public areas wider as expression media. Have you ever laughed when seeing the open back painting? If so, you are laughing yourself and your societies. Actually, it is because the theme of the open back painting is never separated from the society lives: the happening phenomenon and events. All of them are summarized into a brief open back painting. The connoisseurs of the painting are the road users, especially drivers and bikers around the truck. Then, the message in picture of the open back must be caught and accepted rapidly in the split second. So, an artist of the open back painting is very genius. He is able to read the happening condition and event in a society, represents it in a picture, and provoke people opinions.

Item Type: Thesis (Masters)
Subjects: N Fine Arts > NE Print media
Divisions: Fakultas Seni Rupa > Desain Komunikasi Visual
Depositing User: Mr. Nicholas Wila Adi Pratama, M.Sn.
Date Deposited: 16 Oct 2021 03:18
Last Modified: 16 Oct 2021 03:18

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